The Flash season 4 spoilers: Tom Cavanagh on the Council of Wells

Tom Cavanagh

Diving deeper into The Flash season 4, be prepared for a very different side of Harrison Wells — or should we say, be prepared for the many different sides of Harrison Wells! The fan favorite is going to actually have a Council of Wells where we will meet a wide array of personalities.

Earlier in the series there was an opportunity where we could see different versions of the Tom Cavanagh’s character. Now, things are going to accelerate in the search for The Thinker (otherwise known as Clifford DeVoe), and the Council of Wells could be a valuable resource.

Speaking on the subject in a new interview with Entertainment Weekly, Cavanagh had the following to say about the base idea for this November 14 installment:

“We had a sprinkling of it when they were on their quest for H.R. Wells last year where we had Hells Wells, Mime Wells, and Steampunk Wells, and so that was just a one-off, but that got everybody’s juices flowing like, ‘If we were to do that, what would that look like with there being a Council of Wells that could convene? We thought, ‘Oh, this is going to be completely obnoxious and shameless when I get ahold of it,’ and it is proving to be super obnoxious and ultra-shameless in hopefully the most appealing way.”

There are a few things we know at the moment about Clifford DeVoe, starting with the fact that he is behind the bus accident earlier this season. He created many different meta-humans including Elongated man (a.k.a. Ralph Dibny), and there are more coming up that we are going to meet. He has a plan that he hatched from the very beginning of this season and somehow, someway, it involves getting the Flash at the right place and time.

Does Barry Allen know about Clifford DeVoe? He was told about him last season via Abra Kadabra, but he doesn’t know how to stop him. What makes this season so exciting is that it’s not so much about learning the identity of the big bad; instead, it’s about trying to find the right way to stop the Thinker. The character has been so many steps ahead that he is almost on a Prometheus sort of level if you get that reference from Arrow.

New episodes of The Flash are going to continue to air on the CW Tuesday night. Be prepared to see an installment next week that includes getting a chance to see Barry let loose a little bit and also for a big Caitlin Snow story as Katee Sackhoff of Battlestar Galactica guest stars for the first time as Amunet Black. It’s also Iris West’s bachelorette party, and you can see a promo for that over at the link here.

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