The Flash season 4: Is Violett Beane leaving as Jesse Quick?

Is Violett Beane leaving The Flash? Within the early minutes of tonight’s new episode, it definitely made it seem that way.

Ever since the second season of the show Beane has appeared on the show occasionally in the role of Harrison Wells’ daughter, a character otherwise known as Jesse Quick. She’s developed powers and is now a speedster in her own right, but there is one problem: She’s on another Earth. As a result of that she is in a position where she just doesn’t get to spend a lot of time with Wally West, her most-recent boyfriend, or anyone else on the team.

Now, this brings us back to the question at the top of this article: Are we done with Jesse on The Flash? We’ll monitor this more as the episode progresses.

For now, what we know is this: Jesse had every intention of breaking up with Wally based on the opening of the episode, when she tried to send him a message per her Earth’s tradition. From the moment that this happened, we were waiting to see if there was going to be another moment or if Wally would visit her in order to track her down. Around the 40-minute mark, we also learned that Jesse now has her own team that she build, but that she kicked off Harry since he was being too hard on them.

At the end of the episode we learned that Jesse was visited by Wally, and that she is staying there. However, the surprise that we got was that Wally West would also be leaving Central City, throwing his future of the show in jeopardy.

We do think that there are many opportunities that we’re going to get coming up to see Jesse Quick still, so we don’t think that Beane is necessarily leaving the show for good. We just think that for the time being, the show is going in another direction than having a ton of Speedsters on at the same time.

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