Supergirl season 3 episode 3 video: Meet the Martian Manhunter’s father

Martian Manhunter's father

On Supergirl season 3 episode 3 airing on The CW this Monday night, you’re going to get to see the Martian Manhunter’s father for the first time!

So who is the man behind the role? It’s none other than Carl Lumbly, who you can see above. You’ll get a chance to know him as M’yrnn Jonzz, the father of the Martian Manhunter’s alter ego J’onn J’onzz. For much of the series’ run to date one of the biggest reasons for his pain has been the thought that he was the only surviving Martian. After learning what he is here, however, this could be an enormous shock to the system. He is getting the chance to realize that there is a part of life on Mars that he did not know about previously.

As for how this impacts J’onn both now and in the future on the show, these are both questions that this episode could answer. We just hope that the backstory here is substantial and we get a chance to dive more into his head. There are times when the show doesn’t do enough with the character, which probably stems from him being used mostly as a father figure to some of the other characters.

In touching on one other possible question here, we imagine that there is a perfectly good reason why most of the “Martians” you see in this picture appear as humans. It costs a lot more money in order to get Martians on board the show when you consider all of the CGI work. We assume that this is just easier, and it’s probably a heck of a lot less challenging for some of the actors on set to work with real people as opposed to characters who are added in post-production.

We’re excited at CarterMatt to dive into whatever this story brings to the table, and to go along with that whatever could be coming for David Harewood. This is a guy who is absolutely deserving of some great material. The question we wonder about here is what happens if J’onn realizes that his services could be used at Mars more so than Earth. Would he ever choose to take some time away from the DEO at this point in his life? Scenes like this make you wonder.

What do you think about this Supergirl season 3 episode 3 sneak peek?

What do you think that J’onn Jonzz’s father is going to bring to the series? Let us know some of your theories below!

There are also two more links that you should check out before departing that you may find of value:

1. A sneak peek that allows you to get to know Carlos Bernard and his character of Maggie’s father, someone who will be a key part of the episode.

2. Our Facebook page, where you can give us a like and receive some additional updates. (Photo: The CW.)

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