The Blacklist season 5: Who will die? The candidates

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Who will die on The Blacklist coming up on NBC next week? It’s a question that is worthy of some debate following the promo that aired tonight. We learned in here that someone close to Liz Keen is going to kick the bucket, but there was no definite answer as to who it could be.

Of course, the top candidate you have to wonder here is Tom, mostly because of what happened in the flash forward at the start of the season with him. Reddington has a motive to want to kill him, and so long as those bones and the suitcase are out there you better believe that there is going to be some trouble there.

As for who some of the other candidates are, you have to look at the Task Force for other possible candidates of people who could go.

Cooper – He has been a surrogate father for quite a long time for her. Does having Liz’s actual father around complicate things and will he get caught in the crosshairs?

Ressler – He is the person who is the most active member of the Task Force, but why would Reddington want to get rid of him right now unless it was an issue separate from Liz?

Aram or Samar – Getting rid of one of them would devastate us, but one of the most important things to discuss here through the lens of the show is that there doesn’t seem to be much of a logical reason to get rid of either character right now … especially since the two of them just got together.

When the dust settles, we have a hard time imagining that we’re going to be seeing one of these regulars go — at least right now. We’d expect more to see a recurring character in some capacity go, but the thing to consider here is this: Liz isn’t exactly swimming in friends. Thanks in part to having one of the busiest jobs known to mankind constantly putting terrible people behind bars, that does not yield her the opportunity to have the most active social life in existence. There is a lot pretty consistently that Liz has on her plate that keeps her from the most active social life.

Who knows? Maybe the producers will do something huge and we’ll eat all of our words here. The thing that NBC should probably be the happiest about at the moment is just that we’re discussing all of this in the first place.

What do you think is going to do happen on The Blacklist; who will die? Share now in the comments below!

(Photo: NBC.)

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