Ink Master: Angels honors artist Clint Cummings after tragic death in 2016

Clint Cummings

While Ink Master: Angels is by and large a show about competition, it took a moment tonight to honor the late, great Dallas area artist Clint Cummings.

If you remember back to Ink Master season 2, odds are you are very familiar with Cummings, his personally, and also some of his work. He is one of the most passionate and infectious artists to ever be on the show, and he impressed continuously with some of his ability and also his heart. He was also a prime example of not judging a book by its cover. Too often tattoo artists are judged as being “tough” or “mean” thanks in part to their appearance, but Clint came off extremely well on his season. He cared a lot about his work, and you can see how much his family loved him in the segment that aired on the show tonight.

Cummings died in late 2016 after a lengthy battle with colorectal cancer, and during his battle he received a great deal of support from the tattoo community at large. He documented some of his battle on social media and did his best to remain active within the art community. Tonight Ink Master: Angels visited his shop Sparrows Tattoo Company, where they had a chance to spend a little bit of time with those closest to him. Kelly Doty noted that she had a relationship with Cummings, having met him on the tattoo convention circuit. (Many artists are a part of a tight-knit group, given that this is a fairly small community and often these people have opportunities to spend time with one another.)

If you do want to see the last message Cummings posted on his Instagram, you can see it below — it’s rather heartbreaking, to say the least. At the same time, it is also a testament to the power of love and what matters the most in life. The whole tattoo community undoubtedly misses him, and he was gone far too soon.

We will have a full review for Tuesday’s Ink Master: Angels episode online soon after the episode comes to a close. For now, you can head over to the link here in the event you want to get some other news on the show, including a spotlight on some of the artists. (Photo: Spike.)

This is one of the last pics I took with my love before things became worse. Ive debated over the last two months on wether I should come out about what’s going on with me. I want to be inspirational, helpful, hopeful, and give everyone hope. So two months ago the cancer took a turn for the worse and has spread to my liver, lungs, kidneys,and has really damaged my colon majorly. So I’ve been hospitalized again. I am still fighting but this is a lot of pain. More than any person should have to go through. Worst is laying here in my hospital room with all these leads and fluids and everything else and I’m so sad that there’s a chance that I might have to say goodbye to my love before I’m ready. I can’t walk anymore, can’t draw anymore, I’ve lost about everything that was me. And I’m ok with it cause I have my Kate. As long as I have you I promise to fight everyday and never give up. I love you baby. Funny how at the absolute worst part of my life, the most painful part, knowing just how close I am to leaving I find you. You are worth every moment of pain & suffering. I love you Kate. With all I am. Wish my luck with my surgery tomorrow. ?

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