Outlander season 3 episode 6: Starz releases new Jamie – Claire photo

Outlander season 4

Starz knows that they’re making you wait a while for Outlander season 3 episode 6 to air on October 22, so with that in mind they’ve released a new Jamie – Claire photo to help tide you over!

This image shows — wait, do we really need to describe this? Sometimes things tend to speak for themselves. Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe’s characters just spent the better part of two decades apart from each other and it’s pretty clear that they never stopped loving each other in the years that they were apart. While they clearly are going to have some issues that they will have to take on, we’re not sure any of these are going to be present in the first night that they spend together. (One of the issues that they will face is due to Jamie’s business dealings, as per the synopsis that was already released for this hour.)

As for the reason for the sudden Droughtlander, we’ve spent a ton of time thinking about this at CarterMatt and we’ve come up with the only answer that makes sense: We’re almost effectively ending one chapter and starting a the new one. You can almost view the first five episodes as a miniseries in their own right and episode 6 starts off the latest one. With Jamie and Claire together the show is obviously different than when the two are apart; you’re also going to be seeing them navigate new struggles and find their way in life once more. A significant voyage is coming on the horizon, and this will set things in motion for the upcoming fourth season — which is starting to take shape over in Scotland as we write this.

Will the wait be worth it? You better believe it! So far Outlander season 3 has exceeded many of the expectations that we’ve had for it and we certainly do think that this will continue in the weeks to come. Expect some more fantastic performances coupled with gorgeous visuals and the perfect amount of romance. Few shows sweep you into another world quite like this one does.

When will we have more details on this episode?

It may take a little longer than usual since Starz is probably not in a hurry to release some additional photos. However, we should be back to discuss some of the latest ratings for the show on Tuesday or, at the latest, Wednesday.

What do you think about this new Jamie – Claire photo?

Be sure to share in the comments below! Also you can head over to the link here in the event you do want to get some additional news regarding Outlander, including the first promo for the upcoming episode!

If you want more news on Outlander and every other show we cover here at CarterMatt, be sure to like us on Facebook right now. (Photo: Starz.)

Jamie - Claire photo

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