Shahs of Sunset season 6 episode 5 preview: Are Mike, Reza and GG in danger?

Shahs of Sunset season 6

On the last episode of Shahs of Sunset we saw our crew board a plane and fly out to Israel! There were some apprehensions from some of the people in the group about heading out to Israel (GG wasn’t interested and for a while MJ didn’t want to leave her dad), but in the end everyone decided to go. That being said GG’s first impression of Israel was probably not the best considering that a few of the cast members got held in a Detention Center at the airport for almost five hours before being able to be sent through. GG was one of the last of the group to be released and while it left many of them in a stale mood things only got better the group as the day turned into night. They went out and partied as usual, had a really boss hotel room filled with every type of treat that they could possibly want and they partied until the wee hours of the morning drinking and playing spin the bottle. So what’s coming up next time on Shahs of Sunset? Let’s take a look.

Our crew is going to be hitting up some of the more spiritual parts of Israel. These places (for Reza and Mike) is a very spiritual experience and something that they have wanted to be a part of for very long time. For others, like GG, they are not feeling the experience in the same way that Mike and Reza are and it’s likely due to their difference in religion. It doesn’t mean that she doesn’t appreciate what her friends are feeling and what they’re getting out of this experience, but the preview makes us feel like she’s just not going to get the same spiritual awakening that they are.

Also, Asa (always being the political artist that she is) wants to take advantage of being in Israel and wants to talk to some of the women and men about their experiences living there and about religion. She asks Shervin and the others to bring a video camera to the market place and start interviewing some of the women and men on the street. As you would imagine, this is met with a lot of resistance. From the looks of the preview (you can check that out below) it seems that this whole thing is going to go sideways and make everyone very uncomfortable especially Mike. Is our group in danger? Some of them start to feel that they are and want to get out of dodge immediately. The big question that’s going to remain is: Are they just going to leave the marketplace or are they leaving Israel all together and now the trip is soured?

Leave us a comment below and tell us if you think that our crew are going to leave Israel by the end of the episode or if you think that they’re going to find a way to shake off the weirdness of the day and enjoy their last few nights there? If you want more scoop on Shahs of Sunset then head over to the link here and let us be your guide. (Photo: Bravo)

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