Blue Bloods season 8: What is the future for Jamie Reagan? (Character spotlight)

Blue Bloods season 8

It feels like throughout this Blue Bloods hiatus, we’ve spent a good bit of time discussing Jamie Reagan through his relationship with Eddie Janko … and understandably so, given that the two have undeniable chemistry and they’re only fooling themselves if they think that they can continue to avoid their feelings.

For the sake of this article, though, what we want to do is look beyond Jamie for a minute in order to figure out what else could be coming his way in season 8 — and what should be. Will Estes does a great job with this character — Jamie is determined, he’s ambitious, but he’s also principled. He’s very different than some of his other family members in that he tries to really avoid moral gray areas, and enjoys the work that he does in uniform and on the streets. He had an opportunity to pursue something more in his career on this past season but opted instead not to do it.

So without moving forward in his career, what else is there for Jamie? Well, quite a bit! We’ve got a few different possible career paths below.

Undercover – Given Jamie’s history of work on the street, we’d be all about seeing him get a chance to do some more long-term work on these cases. For Estes, we’re sure that there are probably few possible things that are as fun as getting to play a very different side of the same character.

Working with Henry – He may be retired, but we’re certainly all for getting an opportunity to see him in some interesting new ways. Give him a chance to put his past resources to the test for the sake of a case.

Put him in a little more hot water – While we’ve seen this here and there, we do love situations where you get a chance to see him in danger. He doesn’t ever really deserve it, and it gives the Reagans a chance to rally around him more.

See more of his past – Who are some of his friends away from work? Who did he go to school with? Give us more of Jamie’s past loves, his old friends, and anything and everything in between. Allow us a chance to understand more of where he came from; it’s only with that in mind that we can understand more of what he wants in the present.

Aside from a typical Jamie/Eddie romance story, going back to Jamie’s past would be a good way of explaining further why he’s so interested in her now, and also why he’s been so happy to be in his current position in the force.

What do you want to see coming for Jamie Reagan?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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