Big Brother 19 live feed spoilers: Will Halting Hex impact Paul’s nominations? (day 37, evening)

Paul's noms

On Thursday night’s new episode of Big Brother 19we saw Paul be declared the new Head of Household in the game. Following that, he has the ability now to make the move that he wants to: Splitting up Cody and Jessica in the game.

Well, the problem here mostly is that in doing so, he effectively guarantees that Jess uses the Halting Hex, meaning that she will waste his entire week. Is that going to anger Paul? Probably, but we don’t think he will be all that mad about it in the end. He is saying that he specifically wants to flush out whatever temptation the two of them have, which means that he would be more than fine nominating the two of them. If he does this, he pretty much guarantees that Jess uses it because there is no other way that the two finish the week both off of the block — and she absolutely cannot trust anyone else in the game to keep her or Cody around.

As of right now, Jessica and Cody seem to think that they have all of this power to keep them from using it, even to the point where Jess is planning to not win HoH next week so she can just play the temptation then and make sure nothing crazy happens. We actually do like that plan, but it’s not going to matter. (For the record, we’re getting clarification on HoHs coming up — specifically if Paul is eligible to compete in the next HoH if his reign leads to nobody getting evicted this week.)

Our feeling is that this is going to be a fairly uneventful week since it will all just be waiting until the eviction show on Thursday night where Jess plays it, the nominations are negated, and things start again. This is why having a twist like this is actually a little problematic since you’re banking on America sitting around and watching a week that ultimately does not matter.

The only thing that could happen is if Jessica, Cody, Mark, and Elena rally hard and come up with some good plans, they could figure out a way to get Paul out of the game in the coming weeks. Mark and Elena have a good bit of dirt on him, so it really benefits Paul to just ensure that Cody and Jessica stay on the block. Nobody will blame him, and he doesn’t get any further blood on his hands.

The one other wrinkle in all of this is fairly simple in the Temptation Competition. This new twist in the game could actually shake things up and a change a few things, depending of course on what happens and the repercussions for it. We’ll probably have more insight on this when we get around to the show tomorrow.

Want some other coverage?

We’ve got some more news, including our full review of tonight’s new episode, over at the link here. (Photo: CBS.)

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