Big Brother 19 live feed spoilers: The Dominique dilemma; Josh’s rants (day 29, evening)

day 29

Tonight on the Big Brother 19 live feeds, we’ve had what is effectively a waiting game with one clear question at the center: Who won the Temptation? We know that someone in the game has it, but for the time being, nobody is saying anything.

We come into Thursday in an interesting spot, especially when it comes to our thinking about Dominique as a player. The thing is, we want to root for her so much because she’s an underdog, but if she has the Halting Hex, she is not doing a good job at all of playing it. She is keeping away from everyone still, having confrontational conversations with Paul about everyone isolating her from the game, and not making inroads. Our frustration is that she gets it, saves herself, and even if she wins Head of Household she’ll just go home the following week unless she really finds a way to turn things around. As of right now, we want to root for her but her gameplay is making it difficult.

In some ways, that’s our problem with almost the entire season right now — there’s no perfect combination of player and person. Kevin’s probably the closest just because he’s a hoot and he’s also made strategic moves, and we get the sense that Christmas is trying and we give her props for that. Yet, Raven and Matt do almost nothing, Elena is only slightly better, Josh and Mark are emotional wrecks, Alex spends way too much time being upset about Jessica, Paul’s way too controlling, and Ramses isn’t bringing a whole lot to the table in terms of gameplay yet despite being a big fan.

Jason’s probably the person who’s surprised us the most this week in terms of thinking with his head and trying to get people on his side. He’s played Alex’s Head of Household better than Alex has — though really it’s been Paul’s Head of Household for the most part.

Is there anything else tonight?

Mostly, you’re getting a chance to see Josh complain about Mark while expressing his desire to eliminate him from the game. Beyond that, a pretty quiet night. It’s really the lack of campaigning more than anything else that makes us think that Dominique has the temptation at this point, mostly because we like to think that even with her frustrations and being separated from the group, she’d otherwise try to do something to save her game. Jessica is someone you can make arguments against, including that Cody will return to the game and the two of them are going to pair up again.

We’ll check back in the morning; hopefully, we’ll have a better sense then of the future of the game.

What do you think is going to happen tomorrow on the Big Brother 19 feeds? Be sure to share in the comments below!

Meanwhile, head over to the link here for some other news when it comes to the show, including some of our speculation for who could have the temptation. (Photo: CBS.)

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