Big Brother 19 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony results, drama (day 20, morning)
As anticipated, Paul used the Power of Veto to remove Josh from the block, which led in turn to Cody being named the replacement nominee. Josh took advantage of the moment to deliver some sort of speech apparently referring to Cody as a “meatball” for some reason, but Cody seems to have taken it reasonably well, at least by his standards. Jessica, meanwhile, is a little more upset.
Josh is becoming more and more of a Devin / Zach Rance hybrid in that he’s a complete loose cannon who Paul and others are riling up here and there so that he puts a bigger target on himself. The guy is completely out there, but we also love that he’s a part of this season just because he melts down almost every day. Apparently, Josh also started to shake nervously before he even gave his whole speech, which ups the ante of ridiculousness further.
Is there any drama with the upcoming vote? Not really, since it’s almost certainly going to be a 10-1-0 vote (remember that Ramses is also up there). The merit of putting Cody up against Alex is that the two of them are allies, so there’s no incentive for anyone other than Jessica to vote to keep Cody. Our hope is that someone casts a hinky vote or two to save Cody, just because it’d be absolutely hilarious to see the meltdown that comes with that. Given some of the suspicion that’s coming Kevin’s way at the moment, it would probably benefit someone like a Mark or a Raven (someone completely safe) to do something like this to ensure that the targets stay on the other side. Alas, we don’t think that a Mark or a Raven is that sneaky. That’s one of the things about the people on Paul’s side at the moment — they’re all reasonably loyal, but we could see maybe a Christmas doing this just to stir things up a little bit.
Update: Paul is telling Kevin to vote to evict Ramses, so we’ll see if that actually happens.
Will Cody campaign?
Hopefully, since this would be a super-boring week otherwise. He does have an argument that Paul’s in a great position, and if someone wants to build an army to take him out, he’s a great person to keep. (Granted, much of that argument is undercut because of him recently nominating people in his own alliance — he really can’t be trusted, which is what got him in this position in the first place.)
If you missed it…
Be sure to click here to see some other assorted highlights from day 19! Hopefully, this will be enough to tide you over until we return with the evening update a little bit later. (Photo: CBS.)