Big Brother 19 live feed spoilers: Nominations and toad costumes (day 17, late-night)
Earlier tonight, the nomination ceremony officially happened, and what we saw here was Paul officially putting up Alex and Josh as he originally planned. Meanwhile, Ramses decided to use his curse, and was put on the block as the third nominee. Paul wants him to throw the Veto, but is that really going to happen? Doubtful, since nobody wants to stay on the block if they are put in that position.
Right now, Paul clearly wants to win the Veto so that he can remove Alex (a favor for her helping him Head of Household) and put up Cody in her place — basically ensuring that Cody goes home over Josh, who is a loose cannon but in little danger with the house constructed as such. Paul’s whole problem is that he’s went a little bonkers with power this week. We’ve said this before, but underdog Paul is great, but out-in-front Paul is a little too brash for his own good. He also makes things way harder than he needs them to be. He’s letting his thirst for making great TV backdooring Cody get in the way of him actually nominating him outright and doing the thing that would ensure that either he or Jessica leave this week.
There wasn’t too much drama that came from the nomination ceremony tonight, but there was some goodness to be found in another place.
Enter the toad costumes
The punishment / curse for the three players chosen by Christmas in Cody, Jessica, and Jason really isn’t that bad — toad costumes. They’ve got to wear these the rest of the week, and they look ridiculous. Also, we really want Cody to be evicted wearing it because that’d be hilarious. He wouldn’t be the first person to be evicted in such a way — for a long time, there was ironically a different curse where the person wearing the costume would end up being evicted. (That’s one of the reasons why Enzo in Big Brother 12 was so paranoid about being a penguin.)
The costumes used to be a whole lot funnier back in the day, given that the old version of the theme used to show people leaving the house in the event they were already evicted — enter the costume.
Note to the live feed operators
More Kevin, please. Who do we need to call to make this happen? He tells a story, and then the camera cuts away. Sad face.
Did you miss our Allison Grodner interview?
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