The Night Shift season 4 episode 3 review: Is Annie dead? Another shock

Night Shift season 4 episode 3 review

The Night Shift season 4 episode 3 on Thursday night wasted no time with telling you how the hospital was going to honor Topher — with a memorial clipboard. It was quick, but it still made an impact given his tendency to watch over everyone.

Mere moments after Kenny introduced the clipboard and lectured Shannon in the process, we then transitioned over to one of the big stories of the episode: The return of Annie, who did bring with her a weighty case for Scott.

Annie came back tonight after some time away, and whenever she turns up, you can go ahead and expect things to be a little intense. Basically, she put him in a near-impossible position where she wanted him to care for a former sponsor, someone who betrayed him, in the form of a surgery. He was the best person for the job, but he didn’t want it … at least until things got a little too touch-and-go and he realized that he was the only person qualified for the job. This was a chance for Scott to heal from his past, and after first resisting, he eventually agreed. He got a chance to let go of his anger, and he can move forward without that weighing him down.

Who knew that for Jordan, this was also an opportunity for healing? After everything that they’ve been through, whether it be Annie’s addiction issues or some of the romantic subplots they were involved with, they were able to sit down for a coffee and work out their differences on some level.

In the end, we also saw Annie and Scott also come to terms with their own past — she wanted to go out and recreate the Reese Witherspoon movie Wild, and she’s got an opportunity to do just that.

Unfortunately, the end of the episode showed that she chose a very different ending for herself. While crossing a bridge three days after saying goodbye to Scott, she chose to fill her bag with rocks and jump off into the river. While not confirmed, the easy assumption to make is that she’s dead.

The oil field drama

The other medical crisis of the week came courtesy of an oil-field explosion, where there were several patients who came in with serious injuries. One of them in fact had a condition so desperate that the doctors considered undertaking an experimental procedure. As these patients were examined further, one thing started to become clear: There was a widespread problem in lead poisoning, one that could lead to even further patients down the line.

The significance of this case was that it gave you more than just mere drama. It also gave you a sense of the working relationship between Cain and Jordan, who he referred to as “boss” even if she didn’t want it. The good news is that Cain is starting to fit in with the team, even if that’s going to be an adjustment for Kenny.

TC’s mission overseas

He’s still working to help people halfway around the world, and tonight he did more than just push himself — he also pushed boundaries of what he was allowed to do in how he decided to treat a young Syrian boy. It’s too bad that his strategy at times put him at odds with Amira, one of the few people who actually had a bond with him over there with Syd gone.

Basically, the problem with TC in Syria is this: He thinks that he knows far more than does about the country. There are facts, and then there is reality. TC is still working to figure out how to make it there. The good news is that he and Amira did bond by the end of the episode; is there something else going on here?


It would have been nice to see The Night Shift tackle what happened to Topher to a larger degree than they did this week beyond a clipboard at the start and a brief moment at the end. Beyond that, bringing Annie back felt appropriate given where Scott is in his life now. Also, it was nice to see TC start to find himself more while overseas in Syria and build some sort of a life there — that’s probably going to make it all the more interesting when he does decide to come back.

As for Annie’s death, we didn’t see that coming a mile away. Grade: A-.

What’s next on The Night Shift?

If you’re interested, be sure to head over to the link here right now! We’re going to have some further news and updates on the subject of the show before long.

Also, take a look at our exclusive interview with JR Lemon about the stories that are coming up for Kenny this season. (Photo: NBC.)

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