Big Brother 19 live feed spoilers: Cody’s targets & more (day 12, morning)
Paranoia continues to run rampant in the house, with the biggest reason for it being Cody’s utter lack of interest in telling anyone what his plans are. Paul told him that being super-shady regarding said plans could lead to people developing distrust in him, and he’s aware of that and doesn’t seem to care all that much. This is clearly true, given the number of people that are seemingly out to target him. The best part is him talking to Jessica about wanting to work with Alex now, while Alex thinks that she’d be willing to nominate him for betraying whatever trust that they had.
Cody is a MESS. The one thing that’s funniest about this is that his showmance with Jessica may somehow be even messier. The two are hooking up (seemingly) in the Head of Household room, while also working on scheming / plotting separate from each other. Cody won’t even tell her who his replacement nominee is going to be! Right now, the candidates seem to be Ramses, Paul, Christmas, and Jason, though he mentioned last night that Paul and Christmas are the ones creating mistrust and negativity and “fear” within his mind. Yet, Jessica doesn’t want Paul to go up on the block. She trusts him stemming from the friendship bracelet at the start of the game. We actually think that it’s a better move right now for Cody to nominate Christmas if the choice really is between her and Paul, given that she doesn’t have all of the same bonds. We’re trying to look at it from the vantage point that Cody doesn’t know about Paul’s mystery power, so we can’t fault him for that. (The only reason we want him to nominate Paul is because the blowback from it would be insane and hilarious — even if it’d severely harm Paul’s game in the process.)
Cody may tell houseguests his plan today. Update: He’s going to have to, given that it turns out that the Veto Meeting is today. Originally, we thought it would be tomorrow.
Cody is a toolbox
Yep, said it. For more, go back tomorrow and listen to what he had to say about transgender people. We don’t want to turn this into Big Brother 15, but we also don’t want to avoid ignorance.
Another Cody update: He also didn’t like Megan because apparently she said things about Marines that he didn’t like.
As the showmances turn
Apparently, there’s the possibility of one between Elena and Mark, but there are also those wanting there to be one between Mark and Dominique. Honestly, we can care less about any of this. Mark seems to be a nice guy, so we understand where the ‘shipping / stanning / all of that stuff comes from. Dominique’s also super-intelligent, and Elena’s fun / has connections with a morning show in Dallas we listened to for a long time living in the city. It’s just that we don’t care for showmances in this game, especially now, so we’re probably not going to spend all that much time talking about this.
What’s a little more interesting is that there is some tension brewing between Mark, Christmas, and Matt, mostly because he doesn’t care for all of the showmance interference / advise going on.
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