Prepare for NCIS season 15 now via Netflix; top five season 14 episodes to watch


Just in time for the Fourth of July holiday, Netflix bestowed a great gift upon NCIS fans Friday: Season 14 is now available! This means that if you missed some episodes this fall or haven’t seen any of them yet for whatever reason, this is your opportunity to check it out.

Now, let’s just say that you don’t have that much time to binge watch the whole season, or you want to skip over some of the more forgettable episodes to focus on the ones that are memorable or important to the long-term story. We like to think that we’re there to help with that! Below, we’ve chronicled five of the most important episodes whether it be because of humor, because of great character moments, or because of their overall impact on the story. These are the episodes you want to watch if you’re planning to get into season 15 this fall.

Season 14 episode 4, “Love Boat” – This is when McGee and Delilah’s love story, an important thread for the majority of the season, officially kicks off. It’s also a good one in terms of splitting up the characters into unusual groups, with Jimmy Palmer and Alex Quinn heading out with Gibbs to examine a crime at sea.

Season 14 episode 10, “The Tie That Binds” – Somehow, the Ducky flashback stories are always entertaining thanks to Adam Campbell’s performance. Also, for those of you who do love teary-eyed Fornell moments, this one clearly takes the cake.

Season 14 episode 18, “M.I.A.” – While there may be more important stories such as “Willoughby” (which featured the death of Qasim Naasir, this was the episode that really won us over to Wilmer Valderrama as Nick Torres. It was a simple, personal story that touched back on his past, and it really didn’t touch on the same themes as every other episode. It helped give Torres more of a bond with the rest of the team, even with Gibbs who he felt like was minimizing his talents by putting him on hospital duty.

Season 14, episode 23, “Something Blue” – It’s McGee’s big wedding episode! It’s important for that, but he also gets another fairly big surprise over the course of the hour. There’s a lot going on, but the story somehow finds a way to make it work.

Season 14 episode 24 (finale), “Rendezvous” – We don’t necessarily think that this is a top 5 NCIS finale, but with the cliffhanger being what it is with several agents stranded in a foreign country, it’s one of those episodes that you kind of have to see. It’s also the last episode with Jennifer Esposito as a series regular, as she has already confirmed her departure.

Can the list vary depending on who you like? Certainly, given that we’ve only highlighted more than 20% of the total episodes here, but these are the 5 that really made an impact on us.

What do you want to see on NCIS season 15, and are there any NCIS season 14 episodes that you are looking forward to watching or re-watching? Share now in the comments!

Meanwhile, head over to the link here in the event you do want some additional news right now when it comes to the series. (Photo: CBS.)

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