Big Brother 19 live feed spoilers: The first Power of Veto winner
After a hard-fought battle (and a rather brief one in comparison to some of the Big Brother Canada Veto outages, which we’re admittedly used to at this point), we’ve learned that the winner of the power this week is none other than … Alex! What this means is that she has a chance now to stay safe for the week alongside Josh, who won safety thanks to that move he made in the first competition.
With this in mind, Cody as Head of Household has to make another move, and he’s in an interesting spot now given that two of his targets are now off the board. (He wanted Megan out — he just didn’t like her, remember — and she chose to leave the game under her own accord.) The good news for Paul is that he’s still apparently not at the top of Cody’s list of targets — instead, he is leaning more towards targeting Jason, per a conversation that he had with Mark, Jessica, Elena, Raven, and Matt. This seems to be one of the core alliances ruling the house right now, and they know that Jason and Alex are close.
As a matter of fact, it’s possible that Alex blew this competition if the goal was for both her and Jason to stay — he could have won it, protected her, and then Cody would’ve been forced to look elsewhere. Now, taking out Jason versus current super-pawn Jillian is the likely move.
Is there any other possibility?
At the time we’re writing this, Paul is lobbying for Ramses to be considered given that he’s super-smart, and Paul now knows that at the end of the game, it’s people like him that are the most dangerous due to their ability to win memory competitions. (It’d be somewhat shocking + a little sad to see two of the season’s biggest fans in Cameron and Ramses leave the game so soon if that actually happens.)
Here’s a little bit of advice for Paul: Chill a little more. He said earlier today after getting his temptation (read more about that here) that he was going to lay low for a while. Influencing people with your opinion isn’t laying low. Let them come up with something, keep your thoughts to yourself so nothing comes back on you, and make a move later. Paul’s got safety these first few weeks, so he should use that time to build up some great relationships that he can use down the road … and make sure in the process that all of them trust him.
What’s still to come?
Our nightly live-feed update will be posted before midnight Big Brother Time, so we suggest that you keep that in mind and check back later to the link here!
Are you happy Alex won the Veto, and what do you think should be done next? Be sure to share now in the attached comments. (Photo: Global.)