When will the Big Brother 19 live feeds begin?

Big Brother 19 live feeds begin

For those wondering when the Big Brother 19 live feeds are going to begin coming out of tonight’s big premiere, we’re here with insight!

Alas, there will be no feeds tonight, as this is a two-night premiere and there will be a great deal of ground to cover between tonight and tomorrow’s episode. What is important to know is this: The feeds will be kicking off formally at 10:00 p.m. Big Brother Time (that’s Pacific, so 1:00 a.m. on the East Coast) on Thursday. This means that as soon as the West Coast airing for the CBS show is done, you’ll have a chance to see what’s going on in there.

If past years are any indication, things will be a little nuts. In the past we’ve seen everything from drinking to fighting to meltdowns — this was our first instance of Vanessa breaking down in Big Brother 17, and that set the stage for a crazy season of feeds. This is also the time that if you’re going to get feeds, you should. The house will be crazier now in terms of numbers than any other point in the season.

If you want to get the feeds, you can do that pretty easily. Our recommendation is to do so through this link so that you’re helping to support Hamsterwatch, a great BB site and supplier of all sorts of fun during the season.

Is it possible that someone is gone before the feeds come up? Sure, but anything is possible when you think about the game preseason. There are approximately one billion different rumors out there on the internet about what could happen over the next two shows, and we’ll believe what happens when we actually see it play out on the show. At this point, that is the far better strategy.

In general, the Big Brother summer feeds are a vast improvement to what we had online with the Big Brother Canada (RIP, at least for now) live feeds in the spring; yet, they pale to the Big Brother: Over the Top live feeds, which were around for almost everything the entire season including competitions. (This is, in retrospect, probably one of the only things we enjoyed about that season after the internet tainted much of what made it fun.)

What do you want to see on the Big Brother live feeds this season? Share below!

Also, remember that the link here is your resource for all things Big Brother all season long! We’ll have live feed updates, interviews, and a whole lot more coverage along the way there. (Photo: CBS.)

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