America’s Got Talent video: Henry Richardson, 15-year old magician, impresses
Perhaps the most impressive thing about the kid altogether is how he is willing to go up in front of the judges to do the trick to their faces. There’s zero margin for error here; they can see everything, and one mistake is probably an X. There were no mistakes luckily, and he was able to do a couple of different tricks involving cards and drawings that left the judges feeling genuinely amazed after the fact.
If we were to judge Henry on the same plane as every other magician on AGT, we’d still say that he did a very good job … though he also has a few different things that he can work on. For one, his showmanship is still very much that of a kid who is green and trying to learn how to be comfortable on stage. You can especially see that in how he doesn’t make a joke out of Mel B misspelling her own name when she writes it down on a card during the act. He doesn’t get distracted by it, but that level of comfort will get better over time.
Beyond that, you can argue that these tricks are ones that are fairly familiar to longtime viewers of the show, but they are still impressive just because you don’t just decide that you want to be a magician one day and then pull these off the next. It takes effort, determination, focus, and a genuine love of what you’re doing. If you’re missing just one of these components, there’s a good chance that you’re not going to get into this as a young person. You’re probably instead just going to goof off and go to the movies or any of the other things kids these days do.
Do you think that Henry Richardson has what it takes to make it far on America’s Got Talent? Share in the comments!
Meanwhile, be sure to head over to this link in the event you do want to get some additional news right now when it comes to the show. (Photo: NBC.)