Big Brother 19 spotlight: Meet Elena Davies, napping specialist
Below, we’ll see what Elena, whose favorite activities apparently “napping” and “booty-shaking” (are those actually activities) brings to the table beyond her friends calling her a “mannequin” due to her unemotional naturel. (Yep, she’ll probably be the person melting down when the live feeds come online.)
Current City – Dallas / Fort Worth. As someone who grew up in the Metroplex it’s easy to root for her geography; we really just want someone from the Dallas area to redeem the reputation of Texas on Big Brother after the likes of Christmas Corey, Aaryn, and others over the years.
Age – 26. Pretty much average for Big Brother standards.
Job – Radio personality. The good news for Elena is that she is someone very used to the sound of her own voice. Given how much socializing she’ll do in the house, that’s probably a good thing.
Past houseguest comparison – We found Elena reasonably entertaining, and then she goes and compares herself to James. Does that mean that she’ll do some terrible pranks in the house, get in a showmance, and have an extended / embarrassing public breakup after the fact? James did have his moments in season 17, but last season ruined James as an entertaining player. We’d say that she’s more of a combination of Danielle from season 14 and Britney Haynes — she’s not nearly as funny as the latter, but there is some of the same wit here.
Strengths – She’s seen the show on some level, and she seems very willing to change up her game and adapt based on everything else that is happening in the game around her. She’s not beholden to playing the game any one way, though she’s fine with doing what needs to be done. She also told Jeff Schroeder she’d rather win and be hated than lose and be loved — we’ve actually come to appreciate this question over time.
Weaknesses – Her willingness / interest in showmances is probably bad for this season. After two showmances made it so far in the game this past season, it makes sense for her to go solo and avoid guys at all costs. That’ll be a big target this time. Beyond that, she’s probably a little too high on herself as a character. Her telling people to make shirts with her face on it is funny, provided that she knows that it’s stupid. If she’s serious … well, that’s a little too Frankie.
Prediction – Elena could win the game depending on how she plays and who she’s up against. We know that this sounds like a cop-out answer, but out of the people we’ve discussed here we don’t think that most of them have the personality and the patience to make it to the end. Elena, if she stays humble and adaptable in the game, could be a sleeper pick … which is ironic, given that her habit of napping could be key to her staying under the radar for a long time.
How do you think Elena is going to fare on Big Brother 19? Share in the comments!
For some further spotlights of the houseguests this season (we’re posting several of them a day), be sure to head over to the link here! (Photo: CBS.)