Poldark season 3 spoilers: See Aidan Turner – Eleanor Tomlinson photos

Aidan Turner - Eleanor Tomlinson

Ready for some more Aidan Turner – Eleanor Tomlinson photos moving into Poldark season 3? Then we’re here to deliver!

If you look both above and below, you can see some new images specifically highlighting these two actors and their characters of Ross and Demelza, who look more than a little picturesque standing amidst the famed landscape of Cornwall with the ocean in the background. It’s almost exactly what you’d want to see in photos promoting the new season, and in this instance we’re rather fine with that given that Poldark is a show that is, at its essence, all about trying to give the people what they want: Fantastic character drama with a little bit of romance, drama, and action mixed in. It’s one of the most complete stories in that sense that you are going to find anywhere.

In addition to those photos, you do also have the image above to help fill in the cast. While we don’t actually think this image is canon — hey, color photography didn’t exist back then — there is something rather fun about the idea of George willing to take a photo in the same room as his nemesis Ross. Thinking about this sort of thing does add another layer of fun to the proceedings.

The real drama that we anticipate coming in season 3 of course revolves around Ross and Demelza as they do everything that they can in an attempt to rebuild their lives, especially after everything that they’ve been through already. They will face some problems thanks to Ross’ past continuing to come back to haunt him — after all, something like Elizabeth’s pregnancy will do that to you. The biggest thing that we hope for is that by the end of the season, we do still enjoy the show and all of the characters every bit as much as we do now — oh, and also a few more seasons to go along with it.

Do these photos leave you even more excited to check out Poldark season 3 when it premieres? Share now in the comments!

Also, be sure that you can head over here in the event that you do want to get some other news when it comes to the show … including some further scoop on the story itself. New episodes of the show officially start airing on Sunday. (Photo: BBC.)

Aidan Turner - Eleanor Tomlinson

Aidan Turner - Eleanor Tomlinson

Aidan Turner - Eleanor Tomlinson

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