Poldark season 3 spoilers: More official comments via the BBC

Poldark season

With the Poldark season 3 premiere coming on Sunday night, the fine folks over at the BBC are doing a good job now of setting the stage! There are some more comments out there from those closely affiliated to the project, and they provide you with a good sense of some of what is coming in terms of the story.

First, let’s start things off with a new comment via producer Michael Ray, who passed along the following message:

“The world of Poldark expands again in series three as we head across the sea to violent revolutionary France, meanwhile on the home-front we meet the richest and most powerful people in Cornwall. And they all want a piece of Ross.

“It was a great challenge to create the world of France, which we did on location in Cornwall and Bristol. It’s a much darker and colder place than our beloved Cornwall and it poses a constant threat to our heroes at every turn. Berkley Castle in Gloucestershire was transformed into a guillotine-happy port town and Bishop’s Palace in Wells, Somerset was turned into a deadly Convent-come-Prison for a week – and they saw a lot of action! Our stunt co-ordinator had his work cut out for him.”

What is great about this statement is that Ray highlights somewhat what is coming in terms of the story of Ross Poldark, but also some of the production challenges that went into making this season. Production did venture beyond just Cornwall this time in order to properly depict some other parts of the world.

Meanwhile, you do also have another great statement coming in right now via fellow producer Roopesh Parekh:

“Debbie Horsfield’s extraordinary talent for weaving explosive events with the delicate struggles of a marriage has reached new heights. Ross and Demelza finally have some wealth and success and their eyes are opened to a much grander world than the one they have previously inhabited, but the secrets of the past continue to hang over them and they are pushed and pulled in different directions. Adapted from The Black Moon and The Four Swans in the Poldark book series, the shadow of the Black Moon is felt over the whole series. There will be some tragic losses this year.”

The nine episodes coming look to be epic, and also look to give you a fair full scope of the journey for Ross, his relationship with Demelza, and what his future will look. Multiple books in the novels will be covered over the scope of the season.

To receive more specific news on the premiere while you wait, we suggest heading over to the link here right now! (Photo: BBC.)

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