Shark Tank rankings: Nicepipes, Pinblock, Grease Bags, Mama’s Milkbox


Are Nicepipes, Pinblock, Grease Bags, and Mama’s Milkbox still appealing Shark Tank products after the fact? The focus of this article is about that very thing, as the goal here is to go back, look at past products, and then gauge them in terms of future success.

Just as we’re doing with the first repeat hour airing tonight, below you can see rankings of the four products to go along with an update on how they are doing. Read, dive in, and enjoy! Also, have a donut or two given that this is National Donut Day.


4. Pinblock – After watching The Toy Box, it was easier to get a good sense as to just how competitive the toy industry is — especially with building toys. The reason why LEGO has such a foothold is because they have so many licenses, and kids want to build things that they know. There’s unlimited potential for creativity here, but the reason it’s last on this ranking is because the company’s all but disappeared from social media since February. If you want to be successful, you have to continue the outreach.

3. Grease Bags – Wonderful idea for a product for two separate reasons. First, it’s a bad idea to pour grease down your drain, and not everyone wants to dump it in the trash. There’s a lot of hustle going into making this company big, but there is still a fatal flaw in the operation: It’s still too expensive when dumping it out into the garbage is such an easy alternative. Hopefully, at some point in the coming years there will be a better compromise formed between green products and price that enables everyone to get on the same page environmentally.

2. Mama’s Milkbox – Nursing clothes are never going out of style, since mothers will want a product that is both functional and fashionable. While the presentation in the Tank itself was messy, it’s hard to question the drive behind the brand or their commitment to it after the fact. So long as there’s an openness to new ideas and enough outreach, this is a business that will be more than fine.

1. NicePipes – The moment this entered the Tank back in January, it was easy to tell that this was a winner given the yoga pants craze mixed with the desire to still stay warm. Making these in leg and arm warmers further extends the brand, and so long as this fabric remains a key part of everyone’s fashion and style, it’s going to keep pulling in plenty of money.

In addition to sharing your thoughts on this story below, head over here in the event you do want to get some further news regarding Shark Tank. (Photo: ABC.)

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