The Bachelorette spoilers: When will Rachel Lindsay’s cast be revealed?
In a post on Twitter, show host / master of telling people that “this is the final rose tonight” Chris Harrison revealed that on Wednesday, May 17 the big cast reveal is coming. Get excited now! There are a few men who were confirmed already because of the big reveal during the After the Final Rose for Nick Viall’s season of The Bachelor, but you don’t know much of anything about those guys at the moment beyond that they were all reasonably handsome and loved throwing out there some corny lines.
For some of the diehards out there, ABC isn’t all that shy hiding potential spoilers early on in the season. There are many super-public dates that happened around Los Angeles, and this season there was also a group date that took place on Ellen were many of the guys were obviously spotlighted. There are many names that are out there, but only probably around 5% of the fanbase at this point can actually name one or two names of the people trying to date the Dallas attorney.
The cast reveal is a fun, semiannual tradition in that you get a chance to see almost from the jump who the producers are going to throw under the bus in terms of being cheesy, weird personalities that are hard to take seriously through the lens of the show. Someone will have some sort of wacky job listed that’s not really a job at all, someone will have some incredibly-creepy hobby, and of course there will be five or six “personal trainers” and people who utter the same inspirational quotes. They’ll all claim that they are there for love, but at least 33% of them will be there to get enough Instagram followers so that they can start hawking stuff for cash.
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If you didn’t see it, there was an unaired sketch from the Chris Pine episode of Saturday Night Live that spoofed to a T Rachel’s season. It may be funnier than any of the Bachelor spoofs that they’ve done, but for some crazy reason this one didn’t make it onto air. You can see that over at the link here.
What sort of guys are you interested in seeing on Rachel’s season of The Bachelorette? Share some of your thoughts in the comments! (Photo: ABC.)