Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Dillon’s last stand before eviction
Sure, you can say easily that Karen is making a silly move keeping Ika and Demetres, and is more concerned about fans liking her and having friends than she is actually winning the game. Yet, you can’t put ALL of the blame at her feet. Dillon could’ve tried harder to win the Veto. Also, he could’ve tried harder to campaign. He worked on it yesterday, but instead of getting anywhere with Karen she just blamed THAT KEVIN MARTIN for it all, saying that he made the move just so that Dillon and Karen would be mad at each other.
Karen is the perfect Big Brother example of a blind squirrel finding an acorn. Somehow, Dillon is leaving the game not all that upset at her, but it has very little to do with stuff she’s done. It’s more that she’s thrown so much THAT KEVIN MARTIN stuff against the wall that there is a certain percentage of it that stuck. Dillon will say his farewell to the Odyssey, and then the final four players this season will battle for a fairly useless Head of Household. It’s all about immunity at this stage, and given that the field is Demetres, Ika, and Karen, you may as well give Demetres the win unless the challenge is “how much can you bash Kevin Martin over the course of ten minutes.” Karen and Ika have between them one competition win, and that’s because of both a deal and Sindy encouraging Karen every step of the way.
The final four comes down to the Veto. If Kevin wins it — he’s studied a lot for it — he gets to the final three and has a reasonably good shot at winning the game. If he loses it, he’s toast. As easy as it is to bash Karen for the irrationality of her move here, it makes total sense to get Kevin out at four since he’s got Sindy, Neda, and Bruno over there on the jury ready and willing to vote for him. Beyond that things are a little more murky, but you don’t want to face someone with that many for-certain jury votes.
Current odds of winning
Right now, Ika’s in the lead with around 60%, given that she could beat anyone in the final two and is insulated on all sides if Demetres stays. Meanwhile, Demetres is around 25% given his competition prowess / potential for Ika to go home at final four if he wins HoH and Kevin the Veto. Kevin is at 15% since he has to win the rest of the way and may not even win even if he does, and Karen is a big ol’ goose egg.
How do you see the rest of the season going? Sound off now in the comments! (Photo: Global.)