Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Final five Power of Veto winner

Final five Veto winners

Interested in knowing the final five Power of Veto winner from Big Brother Canada 5 today? Well, this may cement the fate of someone in the house who’s a big threat to Kevin’s game.

After all, Kevin won the Veto! This is the third straight time in which he’s won the competition, and he could just leave Ika and Demetres on the block … with the operative word here being “could.” here’s the funny thing, though — he’s not all that interested in doing that. Instead. his plan seems to be to use the Veto on Ika and then nominate Dillon. The logic there seems to be that he wants to ensure that Karen and Dillon don’t have the power to evict Ika from the game and force him to compete against someone who could actually defeat him in a competition down the line. Without Demetres, you do have to think that Kevin feels as though he is a lock to make the final three.

This is one of the crazier stats of the season — Ika, Karen, and Dillon have three competition wins between them. Karen doesn’t win that first Head of Household without encouragement from Sindy. Meanwhile, Dillon made a deal to win his HoH earlier this season. His Oreo Veto win is the only one that we consider a pure win, and there aren’t going to be too many physical competitions the rest of the way.

Will all of this work out for Kevin in the end? It remains to be seen, but if he thinks that the only way that he can win the game is to win out the rest of the way, then this move to ensure the exit of Demetres may be one of the most brilliant ones of the entire season. He’s toying with some of these other people for sure, and maybe they’ll be bitter for that; yet, he has so many jury votes sitting on the other side that it may not matter all that much right now.

Want to get some other news when it comes to Big Brother Canada this season? Then be sure to head over to the link here! We’ll have more news coming up soon enough. (Photo: Global.)

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