Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Current plan for Ika, Demetres


If you doubted Ika and Demetres as extremely good Big Brother Canada players before going into this week, it’s hard to doubt their game-play now.

Here’s how things stand — despite Kevin being Head of Household who Demetres put on the block this past week, it’s looking like these two are both going to stay moving into Thursday night. Demetres won the Veto, and it seems like there is enough pull to ensure (for now) that Jackie leaves the game instead. She’s a threat in the sense that she’s taking a potential final two spot from someone; also, she is well-prepared for any memory competition later this season, as she’s been studying frequently. Can you imagine the TV moment if Ika is told that she’s safe at the same time that Jackie is told that she is going out the door? Priceless!

There is one simple reason why keeping Demika around is a mistake for everyone other than Demika — the triple eviction. Even though players can’t know that is coming, they know a double likely is and Karen in particular has referenced the possibility of a triple. Demetres is a huge competition threat, and he’d be a free agent if Ika leaves. That’s a huge chess piece to have on your side if he wins HoH for the triple. If Ika stays, he’s on nobody’s side other than Ika and that’s bad news for people like Dillon, Kevin, and anyone else he could work with. It’s a little hard to tell who the targets will be if Ika and Demetres both stay and one of them wins HOH — both Kevin and William have been mentioned as targets, so it wouldn’t shock us if they both go up on the block together so that one of them can’t use the Veto on the other. Ika’s danced around a bit about Dre as a target, but when push comes to shove we think she’d go after some of the guys in the house first. In Ika’s mind, Dre will come closer to her with William gone.

The idea of Demika staying this week is crazy, but also crazy entertaining since Jackie brings nothing to the table beyond claiming that she has a “fiery” side. For the heck of it, we have a poll on our Twitter giving you a sense of what we think of this ridiculous subject.

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Remember, you can head over here if you are hungry to gather up some further news now on Big Brother Canada and the live feeds! (Photo: Global.)

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