Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Final 8 Veto players

Final 8 Veto players

Want to know the final 8 Veto players for the key competition on Big Brother Canada 5 this afternoon? Then read on…

Earlier this morning, it was confirmed that Head of Household Kevin will be joined by his nominees Ika and Demetres, and then also Dre, Jackie, and Dillon. Overall, this seems to be a pretty good draw for the two nominees, given that Jackie and Dillon only have two competition wins combined this season and we seriously doubt that Dre is going to “turn it up” and win a competition that exposes that she is not working with either Ika or Demetres. We actually anticipate that one of the two nominees will win this, though it doesn’t matter all that much since the other one will probably still almost go home.

For Kevin, the main issue if one of them wins is finding the right person to sit on the block who could be okay with being a pawn. The only chance we see of either Ika / Demetres staying is if they can effectively sniff out Dre, convince Kevin to nominate her, and then try to form a new alliance to get her out. The problem there is that there are five people voting this week, and we’re not sure there are three eligible people who would target Dre over a member of Demika.

Also this morning, we had a mini-blowup with Jackie and Ika after Jackie butted in on a conversation with Karen. From there, Ika proceeded to talk about how she was going to come for Jackie if Jackie tries to start anything; to be fair, Jackie probably should be concerned here about being really uncomfortable if nothing else. She talks a pretty big game about being “fiery,” but we really haven’t seen it. We also had Karen and Ika coming to terms after Karen was nominated last week, and Kevin trying to move in with Dillon and Karen by saying that William’s final two will always be with Dre more so than it is him. Kevin has done a good job subtly throwing some suspicion onto Dre with various people throughout the past few days.

Who do you want to win the Power of Veto today in the Big Brother Canada house? Share now in the comments!

Meanwhile, be sure to head over to the link here in the event you want some further news regarding the series right now, including our interview with Bruno. (Photo: Global.)

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