Big Brother Canada 5 and the odd Secret Veto cliffhanger miscue
Yet, the cliffhangers are one thing that we never quite understand with this show. If this was Survivor and nobody knew the end results, it’d be one thing. However, this is a show with live feeds! Those people are well aware that William is going to play his Secret Veto and save Kevin. In saving this, it means that another two or three minutes of an already jam-packed Thursday show will be spent on something that the show didn’t need to focus on here. It’s frustrating, given that we already get this at times with the Head of Household Competitions.
Let’s go ahead and assume for a second that this move is done to entice the “casuals” to stick around and watch the next episode — which we get, since the show needs whatever ratings boost it can. It doesn’t really work in this situation given that if any casual desperately wants to know if the Secret Veto was used, they can spend about five seconds on their phone to figure it out. You can see that Kevin is off the block, while Karen is now on it. There’s no real cliffhanger.
If we could be in the control room for this show, what we’d do is spend a little less time teasing up what is common knowledge. For example, don’t do these cliffhangers, and find out if possible if there’s a way to film the show live. There are viewers that the show likely loses by having spoilers out there on social media, and that’s Global’s own fault expecting that everyone at a live show is going to keep that to themselves. Focus on the fun character moments and interesting confessionals. The merits of the air show are to present entertaining packages and gameplay to casual viewers, and for feeders, it’s a chance to get perspective of what they didn’t previously see. Cutting out the cliffhangers and focusing on the content is a way to make both viewers happy. Put the trust in your game, and not the way that you tease things from one episode to the next.
Do you think that Big Brother Canada 5 has a cliffhanger problem? Share in the comments below!
Meanwhile, head over here to get some more news right now when it comes to the show. (Photo: Global.)