Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Welcome to the madhouse


Today, the Big Brother Canada 5 live feeds are a complete mess when it comes to campaigning, given that everyone seems to be talking about everyone else and nobody knows what they want to do beyond the couple of days that are ahead for them.

Also, everyone is trying to position themselves for the future because the last thing anyone wants is to make a mistake that causes them to look foolish.

For Ika, she seems to be trying to plant seeds everywhere, knowing there is a good chance that both she and Demetres could be on the block next week. She’s started to figure out now that Dre is fleecing everyone in the game, and as a result of that is starting to think about taking her out — which is good, given that Dre’s been looking at targeting her for a while. Ika’s also had a long conversation with Bruno and has thrown things out there with Jackie and others.

The plan still seems to be for now Bruno leaving the game — at this point, Kevin and Bruno are thinking of such ridiculous ideas as jokingly convincing Karen to self-evict. The biggest thing that they can do is subtly play up the fact that there is a dominant middle forming with Dre, Jackie, Dillon, and Karen, and if he can convince Ika and Kevin can convince William, all of a sudden there are all of the votes necessary to keep Bruno in the game. (We’re assuming that Demetres would break the tie in favor of Bruno given that this is what Ika would want to do in this situation.

In general, there’s been a lot of wheel-spinning today but not necessarily a whole lot of major alteration to the game. This big thing that we’re starting to feel is that this season could be moving towards an unsatisfying ending with a Jackie / Dillon final two, given that they’re the safest people in the house and can play both sides moving forward if they really want to. Kevin may also be one of the safest people remaining, mostly because most situations now other than Karen winning Head of Household will probably lead to someone trying to work with him.

If anything changes, of course we’re going to let you know over at the link here. Stay tuned! (Photo: Global.)

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