Big Brother Canada 5: Was Sindy Nguyen or Jackie McCurrach evicted?
Going into the night, it was pretty clear that we were at the end of the road for Sindy, given that she needed both Dre and William to vote with her, and it felt pretty darn clear that Dre wasn’t all that interested in making that happen. No matter what we saw in terms of attempts to shake the game up, nothing was sticking. Sindy was a goner, and tonight’s episode was really just about waiting for confirmation of that very thing.
In the end, it happened with the vote being almost unanimous. The only person who voted to evict Jackie was Kevin. We’ll miss Sindy — she played a really good game most of the season! Her exit is proof sometimes that one big mistake can completely eradicate everything good that you do in the house. She never should have nominated Neda given that she wasn’t coming after her, and her going home is her facing the consequences of that very choice.
The people who are the clear losers as a result of this are both Bruno and Kevin, since they lost one of their closest allies and may now have to regroup. The one thing that the two guys have going for them right now is that both Dre and William seem a little more keen to work with them than they were previously.
Sindy’s exit was all sorts of awkward, since she didn’t really say goodbye to anyone. She also got a pretty mean jury message from Karen when there was no reason for her to. Why in the world would you do that, Karen? Don’t you realize that there is a jury vote at the end of this.
We also saw the beginnings of the HoH competition tonight, at least in terms of Karen getting an advantage for it. Unfortunately, there is no word on the winner just yet. That will be coming up later…
What is your take on Sindy going home? Share below, and rest assured we’ll have our exit interview with her online by 1:00 p.m. Pacific time at the latest.
Meanwhile, head over to the link here to get some other news when it comes to the show! (Photo: Global.)