Big Brother Canada 5 spoilers: Eviction expectations; Sindy’s birthday
Unfortunately, things aren’t looking good for Sindy to stay today. Everyone anticipates her leaving tonight; Dre was sort-of the swing vote, but William would need to vote to keep Sindy with her and there was a 0% chance that she would ever flip.
The sad news for Sindy is that other than Kevin and Bruno, there is no reason for anyone to keep her. Even someone like William, who wants to work with Kevin, has more of an incentive to do when he doesn’t have to worry about someone like Sindy being more important to him as a number. In getting rid of her now, he finds himself all of a sudden shooting up the pecking order. Getting rid of her is ultimately good for his game, and it ensures that he has better flexibility.
For the record, we think that William is right now playing the best game. He’s got the hidden Veto, and he’s thought of by everyone as more of a secondary target than a primary one. He’s also like enough that he can get the votes and has a competition resume. At this point, we don’t think it’s good if everyone thinks you’re playing a great game — see Ika. She’s done a solid job, but there are going to be people coming after her and Demetres before people like Jackie, William, Dre, or Dillon.
Granted, Dillon may be coming out of his Head of Household reign in the best spot to make it to the end, but we don’t envision him beating almost anyone other than maybe a Jackie at the end of the game. He’s given off the perception that he already has money, and he hasn’t done all that much strategically. Even his move this time around to get out Sindy was influenced heavily by other people.
Tonight, we will return with a full review of everything that transpires over at the link here. Be sure to come back for some further news all about that subject!