Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Easter plotting and planning
Specifically, we mean that in the sense of all sorts of planning regarding what could be coming up this season, and precisely how much Ika seems to be running the show at the moment. She’s got of course Demetres on her side, and she’s incredibly close to Dre and also seems to have Head of Household Dillon convinced to put up Sindy as a replacement nominee this week thanks to Demetres winning the Power of Veto. She goes home, and then she is looking at splitting up Kevin and Bruno once and for all. We know that other people like Karen would be thrilled to get Kevin out of the house, so that won’t be a hard plan to sell.
Where Ika does get herself in trouble here is over-thinking her plans and putting people in positions where they feel either stupid or hurt. For example, she’s hoping to lead Bruno and Kevin on about voting Jackie out this week, that way they vote against her and they lose potential support. That could work temporarily, but it puts a huge target on her in the event one of these two guys win power, which they are both more than capable of doing. Beyond that, how she handles this may make it even harder for her to get a jury vote from them. We don’t know what Neda feels about Ika at the moment judging on everything that happened over the course of their time in the game (we talk to her tomorrow — be sure to check out our archive page), but it’s possible that this could also be a jury vote that Ika loses. At this phase of the game, you have to keep stock of almost every little thing, and jury management is of course more than integral.
What’s also interesting is that Karen seems to be setting herself up to be more and more expendable just because of how much she’s freelancing and speaking her mind. As funny as it is to see her call Bruno out of being phony in the house, she’s making herself appear self-aware. That’s great for viewers, but challenging for her as someone who could make it far in the game.
Given that Kevin and Bruno are going to talk to Dillon later today, there’s still time for things to change; for now, though, Dillon’s not looking past what happened with Kevin and the Veto last week.
Who do you think will get their way on Big Brother Canada this week? Share now in the comments below! (Photo: Global.)