Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Veto players; Sindy’s situation
First, let’s backtrack with Dillon’s nominees — he put Jackie and Demetres on the block, a move that makes some sense to him given that he doesn’t love Demetres. We do think that he made a mistake with Jackie since Ika should’ve gone up there with him if he wanted to make a power move; yet, the irony here is that Sindy, one of the people who pushed for Jackie, is who Ika would love to see go.
As for who the Veto players are today, you’ve got Ika, Sindy, and William all taking part in the competition alongside Dillon and the nominees. We gotta say that for Kevin and Bruno, they can’t love the draw. Kevin is a potential backdoor target now, especially since Dillon is still a little bit bitter about Kevin winning the Veto and not using it on him. Bruno, meanwhile, should be okay for the week.
Ultimately, this is still a relatively unpredictable week in our eyes given that Dillon is someone whose game is almost resetting. He doesn’t have Emily anymore, and much of The Six is in a completely different spot given the fact that they no longer have Neda. Depending on what happens with the Veto, there’s a good chance something could change in a big way. There are so many different people who could win this and decide to play it, but the one person who shouldn’t win it is William. He’s already got two competition wins and he was recently Head of Household; we don’t think that he is in big danger, so why try to put a target on his back this week?
One other thing that we’ll say has surprised us that Dillon hasn’t become much of a raving lunatic yet this week, which we thought he could become. He could be one of those players who gets better when he’s not thinking about a partner in the game.
The Veto will probably be played a little later this afternoon, so this is something you should check back for. The archive link here is where you’ll want to revisit!
As a reminder, we’re also going to be back on Monday with exit interviews both for Emily and Neda. (Photo: Global.)