Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Dre, Ika, and a mess


Tonight in the Big Brother Canada 5 house, what we ultimately saw is that things were not a whole lot more leveled out than they were this morning.

If you did not hear the news, earlier today, Dillon and Emily remained on the block at the Veto Ceremony, and after a huge fight with Dillon, Emily, Bruno, and Neda involved at various points, we in the end saw things start to cool off there. Dillon isn’t talking as much about wanting to go home, and instead, there is more talk circulating around wanting to keep him now that his temper is leveling off.

Ultimately, right now Dillon does seemingly have Kevin, Bruno, Neda, and Jackie, while the other side is Ika, Demetres, Dre, and Karen. Sindy is the swing vote, but we think she’s far more likely to go with most of the veterans. Meanwhile, we don’t see Ika shifting away from the vets, either, if she knows for sure that Emily’s goose is cooked.

The crazy thing about where we are right now tonight is just how much we’ve seen Ika oscillate from one spot of the house / one side to another. She’s a total mess, but somehow, her messiness was working for her … at least until tonight. Dre made a pretty big blunder in her conversation with Bruno, sounding very confident that both Ika and Demetres were on her side. Bruno played it off, but Dre was very upset with herself after the fact making it clear that she should just evict herself for a blunder this colossal in the game.

In the end, we do see Ika being sent out of the game at some point before we get deep into jury, mostly because she’s all over the place. If this was a game in which there were bad players all around her, she may be able to pull this sort of game off. As it is, though, there’s a reasonably good chance that this is going to blow up in her face.

Regardless of what does happen with Dre and Ika at the end of the day, there is one thing that we know with some confidence — the feeds were great today. We complain about the show edits and the sponsors all we want, but the feeds are where the action still is.

For some more news on Big Brother Canada, be sure to head over to the link here. (Photo: Global.)

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