Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: The Reverse Week Veto winner

Reverse Week Veto winner

Because of it being Reverse Week on Big Brother Canada 5, the schedule is moving about in a slightly different way than it has for the remainder of the season. For example, the Veto players were selected in the house last night. Meanwhile, the Veto Competition took place earlier today!

As for who won it, let’s just say that Neda is becoming a little bit of a comp beast. She was able to take home the Veto, which makes this her second win in the past three tries. In turn, what this effectively means is that she can keep the nominations of Gary / Dre, the same, and with that, makes this a rather boring week. Still, for Neda it’s exactly what she wants.

Here’s the thing — it’s easy to criticize Neda for winning to many competitions and making the target bigger on her, but she’s already the biggest target in there! There’s something to be said for not trying to hide given that for someone like her, there’d be no point. Everyone knows already that she’s a great player, so she’s better ruling with fear as a motivator than trying to be a wallflower in the game. She can pick off the minority alliance, and then make herself seen as an ally to Kevin and Bruno if they want to keep around. (With that said, we feel like Neda’s ideal would be flipping on the two, getting one out, and then trying to make things right with the remaining one so that she can have a real final two partner. That’s something she’s lacking to date.)

Here’s the funny thing — Neda is doing exactly what she said she was going to be doing to us before the season. Everyone was fine about it then, and is complaining about it now. Other than her attitude to Cass when she was getting eliminated, she’s been pretty on-point the rest of the way.

In the end, though, Neda may still not be the person who decides who leaves this week. That decision will come down more to the Head of Household, and hopefully that’s something we’ll get a good sense of as we near the show Wednesday. (We’ll give Global some credit for giving us some feeds this weekend — we were legitimately worried that they would be going down.)

If you missed it…

Head over here to get some other news when it comes to Big Brother Canada, including our exit interview with Cassandra from earlier! (Photo: Global.)

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