Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Gary’s makeup mania
Basically, it went somewhat like this: Bruno tried to encourage Gary to give him a little bit of a makeup makeover, since this is something that he’s done with other people in the house. Bruno is one to love these little moments of social bonding, since he understands that personal relationships are what keeps someone safe in the house more so than almost anything else.
However, what Bruno failed to realize is that Gary wasn’t doing all of the work on his face just so that he would wear it for a short period of time and then immediately wash it off. The moment that Bruno did this, Gary was offended and felt as though he was being used so that Bruno could use him and get to know him better. Gary, in true Gary fashion, made this into a big to-do for a few minutes. Bruno apologized, but it took a while for that to sink in.
This reminds us of the biggest issue with Gary’s game — he worries sometimes more about being theatrical than the impact of said reactions to his game. Compare this to him melting down over being a Have-Not in the first season of the show. Nobody was impressed that Gary was upset over this. In the end, though, it may be Gary’s strategy that dooms him more than anything else. Some of his conversations are getting back to Neda, and in the event that William does use the Veto to save Cass for whatever reason, he remains a very good replacement-nominee option for the Head of Household. She doesn’t have any issue with sending Gary out of the game this week.
Meanwhile, Ika basically told Cass tonight that she doesn’t have the votes to stay, and she wasn’t going to toss her a sympathy vote for the sake of doing so. With that, we imagine all sorts of pleas to William tonight in order to convince him to do something. Not that we think Cass deserves to be bailed out given that she hasn’t played all that well to date, but she does bring a whole lot more entertainment to the feeds right now than Jackie.
For more news pertaining to the Big Brother Canada feeds, be sure to head over to the link here right now! (Photo: Global.)