Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Week 3 Nominations (pretty much) confirmed
Earlier this evening, Neda and Cassandra had a conversation in which she made it clear that she was going to be going on the block against Jackie. Not only that, but she explained why — basically, that Cassandra had made deals with just about everyone in the house. She also noted that Cassandra has said that she would gun after Neda, which left Cass wondering why Neda wouldn’t “get over” that. Well … why would you in the game?
This is the right move for Neda to make, just because we’re around 100% sure when we get around to the jury phase, Cassandra would be coming after her. She’s already made it clear time and time again that she’s upset over Neda’s popularity, and she wants to be the biggest gameplayer and strategist in the house. It’s hard to do that with Neda there.
For the most part, we’d say that Cass handled the nomination news fairly well — she didn’t get angry. However, she did go on and start campaigning to some of the other people in the game, including Demetres, for votes. She may think that she could have an opportunity or two in order to stick around given that Jackie isn’t that popular with everyone else in the game. Some people have loyalty to her, whereas some others like Karen have simply been annoyed with Jackie at various points in the game.
Cass does still have an opportunity to save herself in the game courtesy of the Power of Veto Competition. Will she actually be able to win that? Probably not. As she noted, she’s not good in competitions. She didn’t fare well in them last year, and we highly doubt this has changed.
If you missed it…
Earlier today, we posted our full exit interview with Dallas Cormier. Be sure to visit the link here in order to read it! (Photo: Global.)