Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Who won Head of Household (week 2)?
In the end, we’ve already got a big changing of the guard given that it was Demetres who ended up getting the HoH power for the week! The season 1 comparisons are continuing to pick up steam, given that we had the oldest woman in the house get into power week one and target initially two dominant males. Now, one of those said males went from being in danger to being in power. (Jillian technically was in power rather than Emmett in week 2, but it was more or less the same thing.)
In the episode tonight, we saw Demetres be at the beck and call of Cassandra, who wanted to use him as a meat shield to get further in the game. She will certainly be able to do that, but here’s the rub for Demetres: If he tries to get out Dillon, he’s completely out of his mind. This is a big chance to take out a returning player, and they need that since Neda already has a free pass until jury. If we were him, we would look at someone like a Kevin, or maybe even a Bruno since the two guys were in Mark’s corner going into the eviction tonight.
Do we think that Ika and Sindy could be thrown out there as names? Possibly, but we don’t really think there’s all that much of a reason to get rid of either one of them given the sole fact that they’ll likely shoot themselves in the foot at some point along the way. This is going to be a pivotal week for all of the newbie players if they want to stand a chance in the game, and given that Cassandra may feel like she was out of the loop at times in the first week, she also has a good incentive to try and turn on people. The question she may wonder is whether or not it’s too early.
If you missed it, you can head over here to read our take on the first eviction show of the season.
What do you about the win for Demetres tonight? Share below! (Photo: Global.)