Big Brother Canada 5: What time will live feeds return?
We’ll be back alter to talk further about the actual eviction show, and then also who ended up winning the special immunity pass that keeps them safe until the jury portion of the game (otherwise known as great if you want jury money, but terrible if you want a great chance at winning the game). For now, we want to take a look at the question as to when the live feeds are going to officially start.
If we were to give you an official answer on the subject, we’d say to check out the official Big Brother Canada 5 site at around 12:00 a.m. Eastern or 9:00 p.m. Pacific at the conclusion of the West Coast broadcast of the show. They typically are back up and running around then. With that said, sometimes it doesn’t hurt to take a quick peek in there earlier just in case the feeds get put up early. They were up before the start of the West Coast broadcast last year, so really anything is possible.
In general, live feeds remain the lifeblood for the series given that this is the only spot in which you can really get a good sense as to what’s going on almost all of the time. Yet, simultaneously we understand that the Big Brother Canada live feeds typically pale in comparison to the American ones. While you don’t have to pay for them, you do have to deal with frequent advertisements and long outages for various competitions.
Bonus goodies
Here’s a sneak peek (via ET Canada) from tonight’s episode! Consider this a good reminder that even though Sindy and Ika both may have thought they’d made some changes going into this season, there’s no guarantee that they did. Cassandra’s face here more or less says it all. Ika thinks Sindy talks too much, which makes sense given that this was one of her bigger flaws from the first game. Also, Ika’s temper was one of her biggest flaws. Well, here we go…
Tonight, we’ll be talk specifically at this link for even more goodies. Be on the lookout!
Update: Feeds are already live! It’s only 6:07 p.m. on the West Coast! We’re surprised, but also happy.