Big Brother Canada 5: Thoughts on first Head of Household, eviction, and twist
Let’s instead go ahead and share some thoughts on some of the various twists and developments from last night — there’s not too much point in getting into the intros in all of that. You already know some of the players, and odds are, you watched the episode last night.
First Head of Household – Karen! It was great to see her take this, but what we want to say here more than anything was that this endurance competition win was just as much about her partner Sindy, who encouraged her to stay on board rather than giving into the pain. This was a different Sindy this time, at least through one episode — no obnoxious introductions, and someone more concerned with encouraging others. We know that Gary wants to work with her, and she’s in good with the HoH. All in all, she’s safe this week.
Who could be nominated / evicted? – If we were playing (and we hate to say it given our love for her), you have to target the people you know will stab you in the back. Put up a combination of Neda / Cassandra / Bruno / Kevin, and ensure one of them goes home. To us, Kevin is the biggest competition threat, but since Neda is the biggest social and strategic threat, it makes sense to get her out now before it’s too late to be able to. She’ll win people over the easiest of the group, and she’s the best overall player.
Immunity twist – No one should want this unless they really want jury money. It keeps you safe until jury; in other words, it’s a death sentence on your game since you can sit around do nothing. No player should respect you for this. Personally, we hope that the remaining players give it to someone like Ika who probably can’t win the game but will at least be entertaining. Or, give it to someone like Karen who doesn’t have much of a shot. If you give it to a Neda or a Cassandra because you love them, you’re only hurting their game.
More Big Brother Canada news
If you missed it, head over here to see when the live feeds are returning! We’ll also be back later to recount the first eviction. (Photo: Global.)