The Leftovers season 3 teaser: Chaos reigns; critics speak

The latest The Leftovers season 3 teaser is something that you can check out below, and there is one word that we’d use for it: Eerie. This is not only a rather great reminder of some of the dark themes and forces at play for the show, but also that this is one of the most critically-acclaimed series out there.

Unfortunately, this preview doesn’t do much at all in terms of telling you what is happening story-wise when the show is coming on the air. Here is what we know right now: The story will pick back up once more in Jarden, Texas, but through some mysterious circumstance apparently connected to his father, Kevin Garvey (Justin Theroux) and his family will find themselves in Australia. It’s a different part of the world, and as a result of that, there is a different society and philosophy that will be at play when it comes to how to deal with their surroundings.

Specifically, you’re going to have a chance to see coming up here a little more when it comes to figuring out what makes Kevin the person that he is, and how this world will come together … if it ever will.

The main focus of the teaser is actually for HBO to just promote the first two seasons, which are both available for streaming over on HBO NOW or HBO GO, depending on which service you had. If you haven’t seen either one of them since they first aired, we would recommend checking out the second — it’s arguably one of the best seasons of any show we’ve ever seen in terms of content, drama, and performance. We already knew that Damon Lindelof was a genius before; that more or less cemented it.

Just as you would expect, it’s our expectation to run the gamut of coverage from start to finish this season. Be prepared for reviews, previews, and a whole lot more content along the way.

What do you think about this teaser? Does this have you more intrigued than ever before to check out the third season of the series? Be sure to share some of your thoughts with a comment!

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