‘The Flash’ season 3, episode 12 preview: Who’s targeting people from Flashpoint?

FlashThere’s another new episode of “The Flash” coming up on The CW Tuesday night, and based on the sneak peek below, we’re going to be seeing Barry Allen relive a part of Flashpoint that he never expected to.

Specifically, he’s going to learn that some ordinary citizens of Central City are getting their bodies decomposed because of the actions of a metahuman who possesses a rather terrifying ability. Back in Flashpoint, however, these people were not ordinary citizens at all. They were police officers, so it is rather curious that we’re seeing them getting attacked here almost as though it is a pattern. (Once you lose two bodies, does it start to become a pattern?)

While this is troubling to The Flash and everyone at STAR Labs already, rest assured that it could be even more so when Joe and by extension Iris West enter the crosshairs.

As for the other main component of the sneak peek, Barry expresses concern to Joe over him wanting to have a sit-down with his new girlfriend Cecile and her daughter at Jitters. He doesn’t want to stop living his life because of some monster running around terrorizing the city. In theory, of course we get this desire to stay the course, but doesn’t Joe remember yet that this is the world of “The Flash,” where nobody really gets to do anything that they want? Also, he’s also gotta keep in mind here that Jitters seems to be destroyed almost every other week. If there was ever an establish that could benefit from a change in location, this is probably it. We’d steer clear if we were him.

While all of this sounds exciting enough, we wonder when we’re going to get a chance to see Savitar re-enter the show and start wrecking havoc once more. This is always the part of the season where we start to get a little listless, mostly because we tend to take some time away from the Big Bads at around this point.

Want some other news regarding “The Flash”? Then be sure to head over to the link here, and of course let us know in the comments some of what you’re hoping to see on this upcoming episode of the show. (Photo: The CW.)


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