‘Victoria’ episode 3 preview (PBS): Introducing ‘The Clockwork Prince’

Victoria -

Do you want a proper mixture of romance and Victorian charm? If you find yourself answering that question with a “yes,” we come bearing some good news: There will be an installment of PBS’ “Victoria” like no others coming up next week. The series has already aired in Great Britain, so with that advanced knowledge in mind, we can tell you that this may be one of the most romantic installments of the series to date.

Beyond that, of course we don’t want to state too much! This is a series about the journey more than the end result, and you don’t want individual elements of that journey ruined for you along the way … but we will tell you one more thing: This show was very expensive to make. You’ll get a good sense of the reason why when you see the next story in action. (To be fair, you’ve probably already seen much of it.)

Synopsis – “One of Victoria’s suitors pays a surprise visit, igniting the queen’s fiery temper and earning her disdain. Can this “Clockwork Prince” redeem himself?”

This is a great episode coming for Albert and Victoria, and it’s another example as to why Jenna Coleman is so great in this role. She can bring some of the elements of a young, at-times entitled ruler that you would expect for someone her age. She’s someone still working on finding herself, and having to do it in front of an entire nation (if not the world). Yet, there are also moments where you see the power, the passion, and the humanity that will eventually come to define Victoria’s time on the throne. It’s still not clear how long this series will last, or if the show eventually will pull a move like “The Crown” and lead to a later point in her life. What we do know is that you have all of the right elements in play to have this be a show that you are going to want to keep watching for a rather long time.

Interested in getting some additional news regarding “Victoria”? Then be sure to head over to the link here right now! (Photo: PBS.)

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