‘Madam Secretary’ season 3: Is this the funniest promo ever?
In looking at the title for this “Madam Secretary” article, we wouldn’t be surprised if you had a sudden inclination to want to roll your eyes. In many ways, we get it: This isn’t a show meant to be funny, and as a result of that, the majority of the time it’s not trying to be.
Yet, it’s probably because of this that the promo below is all the funnier — mostly because it’s not expected. The idea of “Gift Horse” is, if you haven’t heard about it so far, comedic in nature: Elizabeth McCord receives a gift from Mongolia in the form of a prized animal, but there are major complications that come with it. If the gift is kept, then it seems as though the United States is in favor of certain provisions that they may not actually be. It basically opens up a minefield of possibilities, and the vast majority of them are not good.
However, at the same exact time if McCord does not opt to keep the horse, then in turn she ends up putting herself in a position where the majority of the animal-rights activists out there are infuriated by her, and she comes across as being cold an inhumane. What we’re getting at here at its core is that while this is a very funny idea in theory, there are serious implications behind whatever Elizabeth chooses. She’s used to hard choices as a result of her position, but some of the toughest ones that she’s been forced into are probably still to come.
In the midst of us getting distracted by this whole horse story, there is something a little more serious to think about: Sam Evans’ threats to sue over Ohio. While President Dalton may hold the office for the time being, the courts could up determining otherwise in what is one of the most important decisions that we’ve seen in the entire series. It could also end up costing Bess a job.
This isn’t the old sneak peek we’ve got for this episode: If you head over here, you can see even more! Also, be sure to tell us your own thoughts and expectations for “Gift Horse” in the comments! (Photo: CBS.)