‘The Real World’ season 33: Renewal hopes for MTV franchise

Bad Blood -Tonight, MTV is finally saying farewell to “The Real World” season 32, which we’d say overall is a step up from the one that came before it. The great thing about “Bad Blood” is that it eliminated the stupid “missions” that turned the show into something that it was clearly not. Also, we only had one episode that was dealing with racism as opposed to a good 75% or so of last season, and we like the show embracing more technology and being cognizant of the fact that the outside world does, in fact, exist. It may sound stupid, but it’s not something that the show necessarily did a lot of in the earlier seasons.

The bad news? Well, we do think that the show doesn’t really do a lot to dissuade people against getting into violent altercations. The fact that there’s been several of them so far this season is testament to something, and there could have easily been more. Sure, people who start violence are thrown of the show, but in some ways that only gets them even more headlines when they shouldn’t really have any. That is a problem.

So is the show going to correct some of these issues for season 33? We certainly hope so, but we have to know that the show is officially coming back first. At the moment, that is far from confirmed. While there is a casting site for the show, there is no open way to apply at the moment.

The biggest reason that we do have optimism in the show coming back is merely because with this show’s legacy in mind, it is hard to envision a way in which MTV is going to be okay getting rid of it without telling people in advance. If “The Real World” was canceled unceremoniously, we imagine that it could be construed as a complete slap in the face to many fans who have followed along with the show for a rather long time. If you’re going to end it, you have to (to borrow the phrase) go big.

Do you want to see “The Real World” back for season 33? Share below, and head over here for some further coverage right now of the upcoming finale. (Photo: MTV.)

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