‘Shameless’ season 7, episode 11 reaction: Who died?
Sunday night’s “Shameless” brought a lot to the table, and it shouldn’t really come as a shock that the vast majority of it was completely insane, such as Mickey wanting Ian to rob a bank and Lip and Fiona sharing a particularly-tender moment in which he admitted to her that he was wrong about her abilities to handle a laundromat. This came after she made it clear that she wanted to invest in an apartment building.
Oh, and Frank and Monica made a new commitment to each other — and at some point along the line Monica spiked everyone’s drinks. The moment that this happened, it was probably easy to assume that something was going to go terribly wrong. The moment Fiona walked by Monica asleep the morning after the drug-fueled party, it was easy to guess that she was gone. Frank tried to save her, but unfortunately was not successful. It was a simple moment to close out the episode, but a powerful one given that it changed almost the structure of the entire family. Even though Monica was not exactly around for much of the series, she’s still important as the biological mother to many characters and we assume everyone will react to it in different ways.
Ultimately, we consider this a sea change, and an opportunity for some of these characters to take a step back and realize further that their choices in life matter, and they might as well get busy trying to better things for themselves. Who knows how long they are really going to have?
On the Ian / Mickey front, the episode ended with Ian making a decision to not go across the border with his longtime love — he realized that this wasn’t the life that he wanted for himself anymore, and as painful as it was to watch, it was the most important decision he may have made in his entire life. He left his past behind, and now he could have a chance for a brighter future.
What did you think about the ending of tonight’s episode? Share below!
For some other news regarding “Shameless” and what lies ahead, be sure to head over to the link here. (Photo: Showtime.)