‘NCIS: Los Angeles’ season 8, episode 10 video: The latest search for clues

NCISAfter a few days off thanks to the Thanksgiving holiday, there’s some new programming finally coming on Sunday night! Most of your favorite shows are back, and this includes getting a new episode of “NCIS: Los Angeles” that hopefully is going to answer some important questions.

Based on the sneak peek below, at first we’re going to see the one-two punch of Sam and Deeks do their best to play around with Callen a little bit after the attacks close to his home, claiming that it was done by an ex-girlfriend. (Not quite sure how that would make him feel much better, but okay!) From here, they look at the case a little bit more seriously, mostly because they know what sort of trouble that they do have on their hands at the moment given the sort of widespread investigations that have been doing on plus the search for a potential mole.

By the end of the preview, Deeks does make it clear to Beale that he’s more than happy to stick around and help with the investigation, joking that both his and Kensi’s moms are around that that’s too many mothers for him to take at one time. Hopefully, we’re going to get some scenes featuring them given that family members within the NCIS franchise do often turn out to be rather fun in our eyes. Hopefully, we’re going to be able to say the same exact thing here.

CBS only released a single sneak peek for this episode, which is a tad unusual given that they’ve had a habit as of late of being a little bit more liberal with the amount of content they’ve shared. With that, there is still one more teaser we can offer up: Get ready to see Nell in a different environment than usual!

If you’re interested in getting some further news on “NCIS: Los Angeles,” head over here to watch a promo for this next new episode right now! (Photo: CBS.)


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