‘Big Brother OTT’ spoilers: Thanksgiving dinner is served

Justin -This season of “Big Brother” is winding down, and there is not much that is happening strategically. Granted, a big part of that probably stems from how few people are left in the game, and how Jason is the only consistently strategic player left. Morgan and Justin each have some ability, but there is not really a whole lot that they can even do now when you remember for a minute that there is nothing really they can do.

Why is that? If you missed it, last night Justin won the first part of the final Head of Household Competition, which guarantees him a spot in the final three. He’ll also have the ability to pick someone else to join him, which will more than likely be Kryssie. From here, Justin and Morgan will face off in a competition, and one of them will have a chance to make it into the final three. There’s no real strategy here at all.

Today, what’s notable is that for the first time in show history, we had a chance to see a Thanksgiving dinner! The houseguests spent most of the day preparing it, and then they proceeding to enjoy it … or at least most of them did. Apparently Justin’s not a fan of Thanksgiving, and spent the majority of the day sulking. Not a great social move on his part, but at the same time we feel bad for him since the other players have all taken it upon themselves to start bashing him for little to no reason. It often happens fairly late in the season, but still.

All in all, it’s a quiet day, but we wish someone would go talk to Justin just to cheer him up a little bit.

Want to get some other news on “Big Brother”? Then be sure to head over to the link here, given that you can check out the big news earlier today when it comes to James and Natalie! (Photo: CBS.)

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