‘Big Brother OTT’ spoilers: Justin’s Care Package arrives

Justin -We’re not going to hype up today’s Care Package Reveal in the “Big Brother OTT” house as anything special, if for no other reason than that it was a foregone conclusion the moment that Danielle left Wednesday night.

Justin received his Care Package (he’s the only one eligible to receive it) this afternoon, and with that, he’s going to have a chance to play in a competition that will get him to the final two. If this a Mystery Box Challenge a la “MasterChef,” odds are that he’s got a good shot of pulling this one off. However, if this turns out to be something involving remembering what days certain things took place, we do think that there’s a reasonable shot that he doesn’t get this.

The real question that you gotta ask with this competition is whether or not this is something production wants this houseguest to receive by default a ticket to the final four, or if they want to make them work for it. We certainly wouldn’t mind Justin being there, as we’ve really enjoyed what he’s brought to the feeds from an entertainment standpoint, and as of late he’s played the game effectively in keeping connections to both sides of the house.

If he doesn’t win it, there’s a slight chance Justin leaves this week. You have to at least entertain the possibility of nominating him alongside Jason if you are Morgan, mostly because if the nominations were Kryssie and Jason, there’s a reasonably shot Justin wins the Veto and then could take down one of them. With that, Shelby could then go up and be voted out. If he takes the Veto, it’s more of a situation where Jason has to win or otherwise his goose is cooked.

For more news on the “Big Brother OTT” feeds, be sure to check out the link here. (Photo: CBS.)

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