‘Quantico’ season 2 taking cues from Presidential election, and potentially shifting focus

Quantico -

We all know that something as big as a Presidential Election can dramatically impact mood in many ways, and it doesn’t even matter what side that you are on per se. When you invest a lot of time into something, odds are that you want to see it end in a way that meets your hopes.

Also, with your art you also have to gear it towards whatever you are thinking about at the time. With that in mind, it appears that the reaction following the election of Donald Trump this past week is causing the writers over at “Quantico” to further shift their focus and tone. As showrunner Josh Safran tells Entertainment Weekly, there were some changes to the show being planned even before Trump became President-Elect, but this event is causing him to look at a more hopeful tone for the series as a whole:

“We always had a plan to transition away from terrorism [around] midseason, because we ourselves were feeling like we didn’t want to put that out into the world anymore … [The day after Election Day], we shut down talking about the episode we were on and just talked globally about [the show]. It was already kind of in line with current events, unfortunately, and we just made sure [to ask], ‘How do we make sure this is a show that reflects how the world could and should be, and maybe not the way that it is?’

“In an odd way, The West Wing was popular in a time when we needed hope, and Quantico has been less hopeful in a time when we had hope. In a time of next-to-no hope, it’s important to reflect hope. We were planning that anyway, but we’re making sure to push that even further.” 

It’s certainly an interesting perspective, and even if you take politics out of it entirely, we do think “Quantico” can benefit from some changes in the first place that emphasize the characters that they do have more and some of the betrayals and shocking circumstances a little bit less. If you present viewers with the same dilemmas and conflicts week in and week out, there is a time when they’ll start to become numb to some of them. We could be nearing that time.

If you do want a little more insight now on the future of “Quantico” as a series, be sure to head over to the link here right now! (Photo: ABC.)

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